Apart from that I went ice skating yesterday after years and years. It went quite well and people said I had talent. Maybe they were just being nice. ;-) Well, in Canada you should have some connection to the ice. Maybe I'll make skating a habit and I will check out for another hockey game soon.
Here we go:
wintery campus on a Sunday

views from there

today the views were even better

which dragged me and a friend to our nearby Burnaby Mountain Park, a lovely place...
but before that there was work to do ;-)

my ta office


back in the open
our pond, frozen

what a weather! :-D

I waited for the drop. ;-) BTW Val and me were wondering in Québec how they are called in English, still don't know... I can look it up or someone let me know ;-)

okay, the Mountain Park, on the way

Wenn das nichts ist! ;-)

Downtown and Stanley Park in a distance

Vancouver Island in a distance, even Tofino was sunny today

Grouse Montain behind Totem Poles

and then we were walking in the sun- and moonlight

playing with the colour schemes ;-)

it's getting dark

good, I wasn't alone ;-)

Girls and guys, good night!
PS: Conny, ja mühe dich mal einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen. (Alle anderen auch...) ;-) Danke für den Brief!