Latin Market, a blast for Rafael and Rodrigo

and they presented us their specialities: Gracias and Obrigado!

in the city

the Space Needle

I like that one. :-)

in the music museum

Smoke on the water... fire in diguise...


Dos amigos preciosos

the famous Cheesecake factory

which became miraculously the "He's gay factory"

how come?

shopping for the boyz...

and the girl who did not buy anything...

the night skyline from a ferry

on the ferry

so American...

back in the hostel after a nice Brasilian dinner with a beer and some games

"lecker" beer by the way, good choice Cameron

next morning, well midday lol

on the way to get Rafael's new lapi

on the road

and after some more shopping in the outlet not to forget the NBA game Seattle Supersonics vs. San Antonio Spurs (the latter won but it was close)

"preparations" for our way back

our driver

well, that one makes me think, though...
good bye Seattle and your Space needle

It was a great weekend, different than expected but amazing!
1 Kommentar:
Hi Bea, I really like your blog and you're so busy in writing it, there are quite a lot entries.
Cheers Katja
P.S. mein Blog
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