on we go

the entrance of the hostel

still walking

not for long, Karin from Sweden (she's doing it for almost 20 years)

for me it was the first time ever: Flachlandtiroler halt ;-)

and I could even go on blue tracks (well, one...) and got really fast there: Meine Herren! Good to know how to break the run... I learned quickly and made quite some progress that day but it was exhausting for sure

at the Lost Lake, LOL, we had to believe there was a lake

as the blue tracks got a bit higher, we had lovely views and weather as well

giving up?

not quite

back in the village

icicles again, some were more than a metre

the "zoo" (sorry but I love that expression ;-) coming down Whistler Mountain

I did it the calmer, but as it turned out much wetter, way next day (and I still suffer the consequences)

lots of lovely snowshoe tracks

here my feed are still dry (I even had toe-warmers ;-)

well somehow it was worth it...

admiring the view

in the thick snow, not so dry anymore...

in the mood for fooling around

crossing the tracks for the cross-countriers (that was a black one)

on the lake (Nicht nachmachen!)

some even crossed the lake, I had no time and energy left after about 4 hours of snowshoe-walking and by then realizing that my feet were soaked :-(

but I always have some time for taking pix ;-)

Bye bye snow shoes, I enjoyed it as well as the whole weekend very much :-)

2 Kommentare:
Hallo Beate, da kann man ja neidisch werden! Hier ist es heute 15 Grad warm (09. Feb. 08), die Sonne scheint und die Tulpen wollen raus...wie gerne würde ich mal so im Schnee tollen wie du!!! Dein Blog wird von mir regelmäßig besucht. Sehr interessant! Lieb Grüße YapYap
Hi liebe Beate,
ganz liebe Grüße aus Hamburg von den Bunges...ich hab mich jetzt endlich mal angemeldet als Blogger und es war nicht schlimm:-) Geht es dir trotz der Schneemassen (NEID; NEID; NEID) gut? Deinen Blogs nach blendend....wenn ich mal nicht so gut drauf bin, lese ich, was es so Neues bei dir gibt und es hilft immer....mach weiter so, ich freu mich, wenn wir uns mal wiedersehen.
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