Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007

More snow

... and rain as well. Depends on where you are, downtown it's more rain. On the mountains it's more snow. On Wednesday we were quite lucky on Grouse Mountain. We had snow and sun. So some pix of this. My sister is visiting me at the moment and we are tourists again. Unfortunately her camera does not fit to my lapi. So I cannot show you pix of everything. ;-)

Apart from that many of the friends I made last semester have left for home, some for good. That's the way it is. I am looking forward to next semester with new courses, being a German instructor and meeting old and new friends.

Here is Grouse:

so sorry, George and Andy, we forgot about the snowball fight for you ;-)

there would have been enuff snow, though

I had a beaver tail there in the summer, not this time...

the birds


ain't that special?



bye bye Grouse, for the moment...

cats are waiting

Plus: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Mami!

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